Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Natural Colon Cleanser

Nature planned for your colon to eradicate waste material and bacteria and absorb water and mineral salts while preserving fluid and electrolyte balance. A colon that cannot execute these functions properly, due to impacted fecal matter and waste materials creates extra toxins that spread across the body through the absorbed fluids.

Many health problems, as well as abdominal pain, constipation and lack of energy, can be related to a harmful bowel caused partly or largely by eating and drinking products that form a lot of built up waste inside the colon i.e. the large intestines. People consume large amounts of toxic material daily, including things like caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, microwave-cooked food, hydrogenated fats and deep fried foods that results in pounds of discarded matter forming in colon.

To get rid of these surplus accumulations colon cleansing is a natural and easy way out. There are many colon cleaning changes you can introduce to your lifestyle that you can try right away.

To start the colon cleansing process, you must make certain modification to your diet. Our diet is usually now full of food that has been changed in many ways from what nature anticipated. Improvements in nutrition often bring sufficient results alone, and the colon starts cleansing naturally. To begin colon cleansing, you must take plenty of fiber, 25-30 grams daily, mixed in water or in food.

Drinking water is necessary for a healthy colon. To stimulate the natural peristaltic movements, an individual must drink half of his or her weight in ounces of pure non-carbonated water. For example, if your weight is 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water that is about 2 liters. If you drink enough water and devour an adequate amount of fiber, your colon will restore its function over time.

Herbs are the grand way to perform a mild colon cleansing. Herbal colon cleanse recipes help in removing fecal matter, avert toxin formation, kill the harmful bacteria and parasites, and perks up the function of colon muscles to promote natural and regular bowel movements.

Herbs used in the conventional colon cleansing recipes have been tested for centuries. Fundamentally all herbs in colon cleansing recipes have liver cleansing and cathartic actions. Aloe leaf, senna, cascara sagrada, ginger, and cayenne pepper help eliminate impurities from the colon by stimulating bowel movements.

But one of the best herbal and natural colon cleansers is Triphala. Triphala is known since centuries for its effective way to eliminate the unwanted material that is stuck to your colon hindering the proper absorption of food and nutrition thereby rendering you energy less. Triphala is the best herbal colon cleanser that not only helps in evacuation of the bowel but also helps in promoting digestion. Triphala is natural colon cleanser that gently cleans up your colon without causing any kind of spasm and pain. Its mild action helps in easy evacuation of the bowel.

Benefit of triphala over other colon cleansers

1. Mild action that gently cleans the colon

2. Do not causes spasms

3. Do not causes urgencies

4. No side effects

5. Do not causes nausea

6. Promotes digestion

7. Eliminates any bacterial infections

8. Eliminate heart burn and acidity

9. Cleans colon naturally

10.Non habit forming

Colon Cleansing the Natural Way

Colon cleansing engages a process known as detoxification. Detoxification is geared toward removal out toxins in the body by means of counterbalancing or transforming them, as well as clearing surplus mucus and congestion in the colon (Large intestines). Most of the toxins (“ama” as per ayurveda) that are congesting the colon (Large intestines) come from the food we eat, drugs we use, or ecological exposure both acute and chronic.

Fats (particularly oxidized fats) and cholesterol, free radicals as well as other exasperating molecules act as toxins. Similarly, poor digestion, colon lethargy ness and dysfunction, reduced liver function and poor waste disposal by the kidneys, respiratory tract and skin all add to increased toxins or ama in the colon (large intestines).

Detoxification is very vital for healthy living as well as increasing the elimination of toxins in the colon and throughout the body. Reduced intake of some chemicals from food and other sources like refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, as well as many drugs helps to remove toxins in the body. The process of detoxification in fact calls for a lifestyle change and smart choices of food.

For detoxifying or cleansing the colon, it is also significant to include probiotics in your diet in order to refill the good bacteria in the intestines. A probiotic is an organism that contributes to the health and balance of bacteria in the intestinal tract. It’s also normally referred to as the body’s friendly bacteria and helps in fighting illness and diseases.

A healthy intestine contains at least 85 percent of beneficial bacteria to prevent over colonization of disease causing organisms like salmonella and Escherichia coli. But despondently, most people do not have the necessary amount of friendly bacteria in their intestine, resulting to various colon related diseases. Probiotics are also brilliant immune system enhancers since they prevent unfriendly organisms from congesting the body. Probiotics also avert over-growth of yeast and fungus and produces substances that lower cholesterol.

Why Colon Cleansing is vital?

Regular bowel movements are vital for maintaining a healthy body. Irregular bowel movements are an indication of future colon problems. This is the reason why eating a nutritious, well balanced diet is so important. The typical diet of most people today comprises a great deal of refined sugar, white flour and hormone/antibiotic-filled meats. These types of foods contribute to the demise of our colons.

Colon cancer is the second deadliest cancer, causing deaths not only in the United States but also in other parts of the world. This is also the reason why it is essential to have a healthy, correctly functioning colon. Colon cleansing is vital for the removal of congestions and toxins in the intestine.

Constipation is one of the most frequent bowel problems faced by a great number of people. Constipation is a state in which there is a slow transit time for waste matter to leave the body. The transportation time refers to the amount of time that toxic waste matter remains in the bowel. A long transportation time will cause the toxic waste to decay, ferment and almost certainly be reabsorbed by the body. And the longer the body is uncovered to waste the greater the option of contracting a disease because the stock piled waste is a fertile breeding ground for diseases.

Disease in the colon (large intestine) usually starts with a toxic bowel. Uncommon or poor bowel movements over extended periods of time can be very dangerous to the body.

Natural Way of Cleansing your Colon
Triphala is one of the best herbal formulations that is extremely beneficial in
cleaning your colon. The presence of three vital herbs i.e. amla Haritaki and vibhitaki are of tremendous importance. Triphala not only improves digestive activities but also helps in regularizing the peristaltic movements in the GI tract. Being herbal in origin, Triphala has no side effects and does not cast any ill effecs on our helath.

  • Triphala enhances the activities of colon
  • Preserves the essential bacteria in the intestines
  • Removes toxins
  • Purifies blood
  • Improves concentration

So it is always advisable to use Triphala in constipated conditions and also as an herbal colon cleanser.