Many health problems, as well as abdominal pain, constipation and lack of energy, can be related to a harmful bowel caused partly or largely by eating and drinking products that form a lot of built up waste inside the colon i.e. the large intestines. People consume large amounts of toxic material daily, including things like caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, microwave-cooked food, hydrogenated fats and deep fried foods that results in pounds of discarded matter forming in colon.
To get rid of these surplus accumulations colon cleansing is a natural and easy way out. There are many colon cleaning changes you can introduce to your lifestyle that you can try right away.
To start the colon cleansing process, you must make certain modification to your diet. Our diet is usually now full of food that has been changed in many ways from what nature anticipated. Improvements in nutrition often bring sufficient results alone, and the colon starts cleansing naturally. To begin colon cleansing, you must take plenty of fiber, 25-30 grams daily, mixed in water or in food.
Drinking water is necessary for a healthy colon. To stimulate the natural peristaltic movements, an individual must drink half of his or her weight in ounces of pure non-carbonated water. For example, if your weight is 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water that is about 2 liters. If you drink enough water and devour an adequate amount of fiber, your colon will restore its function over time.
Herbs are the grand way to perform a mild colon cleansing. Herbal colon cleanse recipes help in removing fecal matter, avert toxin formation, kill the harmful bacteria and parasites, and perks up the function of colon muscles to promote natural and regular bowel movements.
Herbs used in the conventional colon cleansing recipes have been tested for centuries. Fundamentally all herbs in colon cleansing recipes have liver cleansing and cathartic actions. Aloe leaf, senna, cascara sagrada, ginger, and cayenne pepper help eliminate impurities from the colon by stimulating bowel movements.
But one of the best herbal and natural colon cleansers is Triphala. Triphala is known since centuries for its effective way to eliminate the unwanted material that is stuck to your colon hindering the proper absorption of food and nutrition thereby rendering you energy less. Triphala is the best herbal colon cleanser that not only helps in evacuation of the bowel but also helps in promoting digestion. Triphala is natural colon cleanser that gently cleans up your colon without causing any kind of spasm and pain. Its mild action helps in easy evacuation of the bowel.
Benefit of triphala over other colon cleansers
1. Mild action that gently cleans the colon
2. Do not causes spasms
3. Do not causes urgencies
4. No side effects
5. Do not causes nausea
6. Promotes digestion
7. Eliminates any bacterial infections
8. Eliminate heart burn and acidity
9. Cleans colon naturally
10.Non habit forming