Friday, February 1, 2008

Slim Fast

Slim fast simply means you lose the body weight quickly. Losing weight, nowadays, is become many people’s obsession and with innocent reason that we all want to look our best. We do it for our health and we do it to look arousing and attractive to the people who we like a lot. No doubt that the diet pills from the giant pharmaceutical companies may or may not work, but there are certain techniques that can reduce your weight naturally

Here are few of those tips that can make you slim fast. Follow them and stick to your schedule; have a confidence and willpower to pave your way towards healthy living

Understand the calories: This is quite simple; over a given period, you can lose weight if you lose calories. For this, you should burn more calories than what you take into the body. Unfortunately, some people have a naturally low metabolic rate (metabolism is the process that converts foods into the energy so that energy is used by the body to perform various tasks; if the calories are more or the metabolism is slow, the foods turn into fatty layers). This is the reason you might have slimmer friends who eat twice as much as you eat but do not gain even a pound. The more calories you eat, greater are the chances that you store them as fats. So rule number one is cut-down the calorie intake. Avoid sugary foods, refined flour items, dairy products, junk food, canned/packed food, foods with preservatives etc.

Go for plenty of water: Water is the natural flusher for our intestines and blood. It can cleanse the entire body system. Removing toxins form the body can accelerate the enzyme production and metabolism that again can help you reducing body weight. Water will also help with basic cellular functioning and most importantly restoring the overall metabolic process of the body.

Physical Workout: Now you have calories in your mind. Remember that you need to lose calories anyhow. There are many ways to lose calories, physical activities, being the major one. You can perform various physical activities such as physical exercises. Physical exercises help burning calories in a safer way. For instance, Treadmill, brisk walking, swimming, skipping rope, light aerobics and messing with health equipments can drastically make you down in calories. You can burn about 500-1500 calories by an hour. You can take an advice from your gym master.

Lifestyle modification: To become slim fast, you should change your lifestyle. Leave sedentary lifestyle and try to include those all works that require physical movements. For instance, you can climb stairs instead of taking elevators to reach at office or at residence. Park your vehicle few meters far from the destination so that will make you walk and ultimately losing calories making you slim fast. Keep a considerable gap between two large meals (about 8 hours) and never sleep straightaway after having meals. Instead of two heave meals, try to eat small meals at regular intervals.

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