Diabetes is a condition wherein the pancreas fails producing adequate amount of the hormone insulin for the body (Type I) or when the body cells become resistant to the insulin and are unable to utilize much of it at one time (Type II). Diabetes is the diseases that can affect any person at any age. However, Type II diabetes is generally found in older adults, in those over age 40, and especially in adults who are obese.
Statistics and causes
Type II diabetes can be considered somewhat preventable if the patient fallows proper diet, exercise, and weight management program. People with a family history of diabetes and those who are native of African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Island, or Native American region are at higher risks for getting Type II diabetes. An overall preponderance of this disease in the general population is approximately 5.3%. Generally, an individual who is over 40 yr and one who weighs 20% more than an ideal weight or more is at greater risk of getting diabetes one or the other way.
Causes are not known perfectly. However, there are some of the strong factors that can give rise to diabetic condition include heredity, excessive sugary food intake, sedentary lifestyle and obesity.
Diabetes and diagnosis
Tests for diabetes are many; a simple blood glucose test is very useful and determining factor. However, diabetes may not be easily distinguished at first. This is because there are many symptoms that are often considered as common complaints for people who do not have diabetes. Due to this reason, diabetes may often remain undiagnosed for a period of time before it shows its serious features with its own. Urine sugar test is also one of the popular tests that is quite easy to perform and does not contain any puncture on the body.
Common symptoms
Frequent urination, particularly at night, is a common symptom of diabetes. However, this symptom alone may not necessarily confirm the disease. Other symptoms may include delayed healing of wound, perspiration, exhaustion even after little work, tying of hairs, body odor, lethargy, disturbed sleep pattern, polydipsia (excessive thirst), polyphagia (excessive hunger) etc. are some of the hallmark signs of the diseases. Difficulty in erections in men can also point towards diabetes.
Complications of diabetes
Diabetes is much known for its complications. This is the diseases that target vital organs of the body in later stages in case, the diseases goes out of control or poorly treated. Kidneys, eyes, heart and liver could be ‘on target’. A person suffering from diabetes may develop diabetic neuropathy (nervous disorders), nephropathy (kidney disorders) and retinopathy (eye disorder). Diabetic patient is also susceptible to develop hypertension, infertility and other metabolic disorders. 
Treatment of diabetes
Treatment depends upon the type of diabetes. Where insulin is not at all produced, external supplements of insulin are given. For Type II, OHD – oral hypoglycemic drugs are preferred. They control the sugar by increasing peripheral intake of glucose in the body. Herbs such as Indian gooseberry, turmeric, Gymnema, bitter gourds etc are proven to stimulate beta cells of pancreas to produce enough and quality hormone – insulin.