Tuberculosis is a chronic bacterial infection, with the bacteria lying idle in the system for a long time, before causing any symptoms. Usually, it affects the lungs, but it can also affect any other part of the body.
- Poor hygienic conditions.
- Malnourishment, associated with close contact with the infected person.
- Excessive physical exertion, accompanied by irregular diet.
- Loss of appetite with severe weight loss in a short span. Mild fever, especially in the evenings, associated with little sweating.
- General weakness and loss of immunity, causing further advancement of the disease. Cough and cold, associated with bloodstained spitting (caused due to scarring in the lungs).
- Diarrhea and stomach upsets in case of intestinal tuberculosis.
- Severe headache and vomiting in meningeal tuberculosis.
Do's & Don't :
- Diet should include heavy and fattening foods (meat, lentils, pulses and fresh vegetables).
- Regular and moderate intake of fats in the form of pure ghee and oils.
- Diet should include nutrients and proteins to build up immunity.
- Either an infusion of ginger and coriander seeds or pieces of ginger root soaked in lemon juice (good appetizer), before meals.
- Cloves and cinnamon are also effective appetizers.
Pure ghee, medicated with Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) and Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), in a 3-5-gm dosage, daily, with milk, is recommended, to eradicate the infection, increase weight and improve immunity Fresh juice or tablets of tinospora (Guduchi) in a 30-ml dosage, thrice, daily, is also recommended to improve immunity. A decoction of the roots of ten herbs (Dashamoola), fermented infusion of grapes and other ingredients (Drakshasava) or fresh juice of the leaves of Adhatoda vasaka, in a 30-ml dosage, thrice, daily. OTC products like Chyavanprasha, and the medicinal paste of embolic myrobalan (Amalakyavaleha) in a 4-8-gm dosage, daily, with milk.
Herbs Can Be Used :
- Regular intake of vegetables and fruits like bottle gourd, custard apple, pineapple and banana.
- A decoction of leaves of drumstick in a 30-ml dosage, twice, daily.
1 comment:
are u a vaidya? is this based on practical experience? a friend is suffering from tb and so I wanted to check if this info can be used.
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