Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises

Natural penis enlargement exercises means the end to the tiny penis jokes, I've listen to them all and then some; small penis jokes are as hurtful as being hit in the face. Yes there are people in the world who get great joy in pointing out the fact that you're not as well capable as they are, it seems to be their way of pleasing their own insecurities. I can pretty much assurance that a person who is mocking you about the size of your penis has a far more awkward secret which they are hiding behind.

Having a small penis is not a disability although for the owner of one, it may seem as though it is. I went through childhood, puberty and my adult life wondering when (if ever) the rest of my penis would grow in. seriously I actually thought for many years that I was probably just a late developer.

A few months back I decided to go for natural penis enlargement exercises; I had attempted most other things without getting any results. That's the one thing about having a small penis; you will try anything to increase some length.

There is a odd reaction which washes over you when you realize that you are actually growing, ok it may not be over night but even so, it still sense great. I started the exercises with a little bit of doubt, I didn't believe that something so easy and comparatively ancient could actually work. I had read so many articles about penis enlargement oil that I had overlooked natural techniques all together.

Before you go for any kind of penis enlargement method you have to realize that it's not going to happen over night or in some cases not for the first few weeks, but you have got to fix with it. The exercises should be treated as an every day habit just like eating, drinking and brushing your teeth, it really is important to get into and stick to the routine. 95% of people who speak that something doesn't work have either not actually tried or they have given up before anything has happening to show.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Natural Breast Enlargement

Is natural breast enlargement feasible, without having to go under the knife? The reply is yes. Because of new natural techniques available, women to not have to choice to getting expensive, cosmetic surgery done from a clinic by a plastic surgeon any longer.

Most of the natural goods to increase breast size are goods made up of herbal supplements that boost the production of estrogen and other female related hormones within the female body.

Since these herbs are natural and have to pass pharmaceutical regulative standards, these herbs are normally measured as secure. You should not have to be worried with any major side effects associated to these supplemental products on the market.

From where to find these breast enlargement products? If you were to go online and Google in the keyword, "Natural breast enlargement", you would hit upon many resources to look into.

Lots of these breast enhancement products are sold through the health and wellness industry. Many of these business that offer natural solutions for women to enlarge their breast size have pure reputations for offering natural products that do what they claim.

Most companies that present a natural solution to breast enlargement will have the background information available, as well as testimonials on record that can be demonstrated for truthfulness.

Check for information connecting to how long the company has been in business and other comprehensive information about the company that can be checked out and confirmed as accurate.

When you get the time to look into one of these companies' resource information, you can be in a place to make better informed choice about what you are looking for.

Before make a judgment on cosmetic surgery, don't you owe it to yourself to look at a natural method of doing things? After all, it is your body!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure, as the name suggests, is a force of blood that is felt on blood vessels’ walls. The heart is a pump that pumps blood into the blood-vessels (arteries) that are carrier of the blood to the cells and so to the organs throughout the body. High blood pressure, medically known as hypertension, is troublesome condition since it makes the heart pumping harder and as a result of that, heart muscles get tired and then there would be chances of getting cardiac problems. High blood pressure can also damage the micro-structures of the vital organs such as kidneys, brain, liver etc.

Normal blood pressure is about 120/80mmHg (millimeter of mercury). However, you many not have exact 120/80 figure since it may differ little bit from person to person (about 110-130/70-90 mmHg). There are many people who live happily with 130/90mmHg without any symptoms. But if your normal blood pressure shoots up or varies more than 20mmHg, it needs attention. Generally 140-159/90-99mmHg is considered as stage-I hypertension and 160 and above/100 and above is considered as stage II. Whatever the stage you have, high blood pressure is to be controlled.

Triphala – a perfect combination

Triphala, as its name is tri-phala (three fruits). It is the most popular Ayurvedic herbal combination in India since ages. This is because triphala has high nutritional values, it is an effective colon cleanser and it uniquely purifies the body by removing toxins at the deepest organic levels without disturbing any other system of the body. It is the combination of three myrobalans like trees namely; Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) and Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis)

Ayurvedic approach to high blood pressure and role of Triphala

According to Ayurveda, hypertension includes all the bodily humors (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). In high blood pressure, there would be signs and symptoms of derangement of Vata dosha (an air ailment) mainly that of 'Vyana vayu' (A type of Air element that is present throughout the body). Anti-hypertensive treatment is to restore disturbed and vitiated bodily humors, especially Vata Dosha.

However, Ayurveda describes that a person with Pitta (another body humor) and Vata predominant constitution are more susceptible to get high blood pressure as compared to any other. According to the science, anger, frustration, distress, anxiety, shock and fear can also lead the condition. Modern science too agrees that such emotional changes leads to mal-adaptation of the endocrine system that ultimately leads to conditions like high blood pressure.

Triphala works well in hypertension. The powder of 'Triphala' is to be taken regularly before going to bed preferably with lukewarm water. This helps maintaining bowel movements they remain clean. You can make a concentration by soaking 15-20gm of black raisins for 5-6 hr in about one glass (approximately 200 ml) of water. Add the black raisins in the same water and keep it on fire (medium) for boiling till it is reduced to about 50ml. This medicated solution is taken with 3-5gm of Triphala powder at night before retiring to bed. Triphala is a soothing agent and also possesses mild but effective purgative action. According to Ayurveda, Triphala is one of the best rasayanas (rejuvenating agent) that can restore all the bodily hormones and enzymes. There are many researches that show Triphala as effective herbal remedy for high blood pressure.

The Vaginal Discharge

The basic function of the vagina is to link an opening of the vagina to the uterus and so other internal reproductive organs. Apart from delivering the child, vagina plays important role in getting pleasure while the woman is having it off. There are many parts in the vagina stimulating them, the woman feels heavenly. But then when the vaginal function gets disturbed and if there is any problem with this sexual organ, it is equally troublesome and disgusting.

Generally, the natural acidic environment of the vagina prevents infections since it is toxic enough for those harmful microorganisms. When the vagina is healthy, the organ keeps itself clean and healthy. This healthy state is maintained by productions of different secretions within the vagina called vaginal discharge. It is important to know that the woman experiences some amount of vaginal discharge all the time, however, goes out of the knowledge.

Glands present in the vaginal tract and cervix generate little amounts of fluid that gets downwards and then out of the body through vagina. Vaginal discharge, if normal, can help cleaning the vaginal track and also keeps it lubricated and free from infections and other germs. The vaginal discharge that is normal does not carry any offensive odor and generally is colorless. It often appears clear or milky when it dries on any cloth; from time to time one may notice white spots or a normal vaginal discharge, which is thin and stringy looking.

The woman will have some amount of vaginal discharge, which is normal, especially if she belongs to childbearing age. However, these secretions may turn little yellow when exposed to the air but still can be considered as normal variations. The amounts of discharge produced by the internal glands differ throughout the menstrual cycle. This is quite normal and generally depends upon the amount of estrogen hormone that circulates in the body.

The attention to be drawn when the vaginal discharge suddenly changes in color, odor, and consistency or when it just increases or decreases in amount noticeably. This is because such discharge may indicate some underlying problem like an infection. If there is an abnormal vaginal discharge because of any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), your sexual partner/partners will also seek treatment.

Here are some of the well known factors that give raise to vaginal discharge in the woman –

· Bacterial vaginosis (BV) - Bacteria that generally live in the vagina will overgrow. This will cause a grey discharge with fishy odor that worsens after sexual intercourse. However, BV is not sexually transmitted diseases.

· Any cancerous conditions such as cervical cancer (rarely a cause of excess discharge)

· Chlamydia infections

· In case when any tampon or foreign body is left inside vaginal tract

· Gonorrhea (one of the common causes)

· Other infections and sexually transmitted diseases

· Trichomonas or vaginal yeast infection

There are few factors that can make changes in the appearance or consistency of the vaginal discharge. These factors include:

  • The menstrual cycle
  • Any kind of emotional stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Any prescribed medications or OTC products that is taken including hormones such as in the form of any pills
  • Sexual excitement
  • Breastfeeding
  • Ovulation
  • The diet that includes filthy, fermented, highly spiced, refined flour products, sugary items etc.

The treatment for vaginal discharge depends upon the causes. If it due to any infection, antibiotics are preferred and if it is local, local applications are prescribed. Whatever the cause is, vaginal hygiene is very important.

Slim Fast

Slim fast simply means you lose the body weight quickly. Losing weight, nowadays, is become many people’s obsession and with innocent reason that we all want to look our best. We do it for our health and we do it to look arousing and attractive to the people who we like a lot. No doubt that the diet pills from the giant pharmaceutical companies may or may not work, but there are certain techniques that can reduce your weight naturally

Here are few of those tips that can make you slim fast. Follow them and stick to your schedule; have a confidence and willpower to pave your way towards healthy living

Understand the calories: This is quite simple; over a given period, you can lose weight if you lose calories. For this, you should burn more calories than what you take into the body. Unfortunately, some people have a naturally low metabolic rate (metabolism is the process that converts foods into the energy so that energy is used by the body to perform various tasks; if the calories are more or the metabolism is slow, the foods turn into fatty layers). This is the reason you might have slimmer friends who eat twice as much as you eat but do not gain even a pound. The more calories you eat, greater are the chances that you store them as fats. So rule number one is cut-down the calorie intake. Avoid sugary foods, refined flour items, dairy products, junk food, canned/packed food, foods with preservatives etc.

Go for plenty of water: Water is the natural flusher for our intestines and blood. It can cleanse the entire body system. Removing toxins form the body can accelerate the enzyme production and metabolism that again can help you reducing body weight. Water will also help with basic cellular functioning and most importantly restoring the overall metabolic process of the body.

Physical Workout: Now you have calories in your mind. Remember that you need to lose calories anyhow. There are many ways to lose calories, physical activities, being the major one. You can perform various physical activities such as physical exercises. Physical exercises help burning calories in a safer way. For instance, Treadmill, brisk walking, swimming, skipping rope, light aerobics and messing with health equipments can drastically make you down in calories. You can burn about 500-1500 calories by an hour. You can take an advice from your gym master.

Lifestyle modification: To become slim fast, you should change your lifestyle. Leave sedentary lifestyle and try to include those all works that require physical movements. For instance, you can climb stairs instead of taking elevators to reach at office or at residence. Park your vehicle few meters far from the destination so that will make you walk and ultimately losing calories making you slim fast. Keep a considerable gap between two large meals (about 8 hours) and never sleep straightaway after having meals. Instead of two heave meals, try to eat small meals at regular intervals.

Osteoarthritis - OA


Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease or osteoarthrosis. The condition is very well known as arthritis across the world and probably no one is unaware of this term. Osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage in joints wears down over certain period. It can get into any joint in the body, though generally the joints of hands, hips, knees and spine are affected. The condition typically involves one joint, though in some people, as in fingers, more than one joint can also be affected.

Osteoarthritis generally worsens with time if left untreated and on later stage, in worse condition, it can even deform the joints and fingers and toes may bend like bows. Nevertheless, its treatments can relieve the pain and help remaining active.

Causes of osteoarthritis (OA)

There is no one particular factor that can give raise to osteoarthritis. Many health experts believe that heredity may play a role in the disease. Researches are going on to study several genes, which may be connected to osteoarthritis. Other factors such as obesity or being overweight can also put you at risk for heart problems and also arthritic condition. This is because the major joints like knees and hips already catch the brunt of the entire body's weight as we perform our daily activities.

Some of the ancient medical sciences such as Ayurveda believe that a person who takes dry foods, who moves quickly and/or is exposed to cold atmosphere (such as air conditioned room) gets arthritis.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA)

Typical symptoms of the condition include pain in a joint. There will be tenderness in the joint though you apply lightest pressure Stiffness in a joint also not uncommon. This is typically noticed when someone wakes up in the morning or after some period of inactivity. Osteoarthritis decreases the flexibility and it may become difficult to rotate the joint. There will be grating feeling whenever the joint has to perform its function. Bone spurs that appear as hard lumps can capture the affected joint. Swelling and redness can also appear onto affected areas.

Types of osteoarthritis (OA)

However, arthritis and osteoarthritis are oftentimes considered as similar conditions, here are few of its types –

  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Vasculitis
  • Scleroderma

Treatment of osteoarthritis (OA)

The treatment of osteoarthritis involves curing the causative factors known if any. For instance, weight control will be primarily focused matter if a person is obese and has OA. Proper exercises also play significant role and physiotherapy is good for it. Some of the naturopaths believe that heat and cold therapy (alternate packs of hot poultice and icepacks) also help curing OA. In modern science analgesics, painkillers are generally prescribed that relieves pain but cannot cure the diseases as a whole. Latest researches reveal that stress control works relieving OA up to considerable extent. Injections into the joint and surgeries remain as last option for advanced and stubborn cases.

Holistic science such as Ayurveda markedly describes treatment for OA. Various therapies such as ‘Panchkarma’ are very effective. Some of the herbs such as Guggulu, Sallaki, Shunthi (ginger), Pippali (Piper) etc are very effective in treating OA conditions.

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar

The blood sugar is medically known as blood glucose. It is generally measured in levels. Blood sugar level is the amount of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream that carry significant role in determining overall health of the body. It is also called as serum glucose level and is expressed as milimoles per liter (mmol/l).

Generally, blood sugar levels remain within narrow limits throughout the day i.e. about 4-8mmol/l but after meals, they go high and they remain lowest in the morning. The blood sugar provides energy and without which, a cell may not function properly. The blood glucose, especially for the brain cells, is very essential. If the levels of this important component in the body get disturbed, there would be various health problems.

One of the most known conditions is diabetes. In diabetes, the blood sugar level shoots up its normal limits until treated and the higher levels of blood sugar can be found in blood as well as in urine. Blood sugar is utilized by body cells with the help of the hormone called as insulin that is secreted by beta cells of pancreas. Lack of insulin will raise blood glucose levels and hence, in the treatment of diabetes, either OHD – oral hypoglycemic drug or insulin injection is to be given to the patient in order to control blood glucose levels.

The condition of diabetes may remain undiagnosed because of many reasons. The symptoms high blood sugar produces include fatigue, excess hunger, excess micturition etc. they often ignored and hence, high levels of blood glucose remain in the body for years. If the condition remains same or even though diabetes is detected but goes out of control, high blood sugar can damage the minute structures of the body including blood vessels. This, in turn, increases the risks of developing complications like –

  • Retinopathy (disease related to eye)
  • Nephropathy (diseases related to kidneys)
  • Neuropathy (diseases related to nerves)
  • Cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, cardiac failure, strokes and problem because of poor circulation like gangrene in the worst cases.

It is therefore, advisable to keep the blood sugar level stable that can significantly reduce the risk of getting these complications. One can measure blood sugar levels simply and easily with a home blood sugar level testing kit. Nowadays, a latest device called as glucometer can be very helpful taking blood sample automatically and giving you results accurately.

In Ayurveda, blood sugar is known as ‘sharkara’ and it is major component to decide one’s health. Increased levels of blood sugar are called as ‘madhumeha’ or ‘prameha’. The condition brings lots of diseases and troublesome conditions. According to Ayurveda, the disease catches those people who are lazy, fatty, who eat excessive sweet or sugary items and those who eat lots of curds and jiggery. The condition can be under controlled but cannot be fully treated. Herbs like Guggulu, Indian gooseberry (amlaki), haridra (turmeric), gymnema etc are well known for their anti-diabetic property.