The basic function of the vagina is to link an opening of the vagina to the uterus and so other internal reproductive organs. Apart from delivering the child, vagina plays important role in getting pleasure while the woman is having it off. There are many parts in the vagina stimulating them, the woman feels heavenly. But then when the vaginal function gets disturbed and if there is any problem with this sexual organ, it is equally troublesome and disgusting.
Generally, the natural acidic environment of the vagina prevents infections since it is toxic enough for those harmful microorganisms. When the vagina is healthy, the organ keeps itself clean and healthy. This healthy state is maintained by productions of different secretions within the vagina called vaginal discharge. It is important to know that the woman experiences some amount of vaginal discharge all the time, however, goes out of the knowledge.
Glands present in the vaginal tract and cervix generate little amounts of fluid that gets downwards and then out of the body through vagina. Vaginal discharge, if normal, can help cleaning the vaginal track and also keeps it lubricated and free from infections and other germs. The vaginal discharge that is normal does not carry any offensive odor and generally is colorless. It often appears clear or milky when it dries on any cloth; from time to time one may notice white spots or a normal vaginal discharge, which is thin and stringy looking.
The woman will have some amount of vaginal discharge, which is normal, especially if she belongs to childbearing age. However, these secretions may turn little yellow when exposed to the air but still can be considered as normal variations. The amounts of discharge produced by the internal glands differ throughout the menstrual cycle. This is quite normal and generally depends upon the amount of estrogen hormone that circulates in the body.
The attention to be drawn when the vaginal discharge suddenly changes in color, odor, and consistency or when it just increases or decreases in amount noticeably. This is because such discharge may indicate some underlying problem like an infection. If there is an abnormal vaginal discharge because of any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), your sexual partner/partners will also seek treatment.
Here are some of the well known factors that give raise to vaginal discharge in the woman –
· Bacterial vaginosis (BV) - Bacteria that generally live in the vagina will overgrow. This will cause a grey discharge with fishy odor that worsens after sexual intercourse. However, BV is not sexually transmitted diseases.
· Any cancerous conditions such as cervical cancer (rarely a cause of excess discharge)
· Chlamydia infections
· In case when any tampon or foreign body is left inside vaginal tract
· Gonorrhea (one of the common causes)
· Other infections and sexually transmitted diseases
· Trichomonas or vaginal yeast infection
There are few factors that can make changes in the appearance or consistency of the vaginal discharge. These factors include:
- The menstrual cycle
- Any kind of emotional stress
- Pregnancy
- Any prescribed medications or OTC products that is taken including hormones such as in the form of any pills
- Sexual excitement
- Breastfeeding
- Ovulation
- The diet that includes filthy, fermented, highly
spiced, refined flour products, sugary items etc.
The treatment for vaginal discharge depends upon the causes. If it due to any infection, antibiotics are preferred and if it is local, local applications are prescribed. Whatever the cause is, vaginal hygiene is very important.
VAGINAL DISCHARGE is just a natural concept of creation by God and this leaves our sisters with nothing to alter except to appreciate the entire thing. Let the fluid surge out of organ but do not allow yourself to suffer in silence when the same fluid becomes sickening.
Vaginal discharge plays an important role in woman's life. It is very common among women. Quantity and color of it, differs in every women. There can also be variations in color and odour of it. In such case, one needs to be alert because it can affect health, can be infection, so one should consult doctor immediately. Different color indicates different causes and problems. For more details on it, refer Abnormal vaginal discharge
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